Is a Petitioner Required to Attend a Hearing?

All Appeals Submitted to the Board are Decided at an In-Person Hearing

Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute §42-16161 the hearing officer, Board Member or panel shall act on the petition, shall hear testimony presented in person at the hearing and may, upon approval by the chairman, subpoena witnesses to testify regarding the petition. Unless all parties agree otherwise, each party shall submit evidence in person.  The decision shall be based on evidence presented by all parties.


While a hearing is scheduled for each and every submitted and accepted appeal/petition, neither party is required to attend a hearing.   Below are the options available to each party to an appeal (i.e. the petitioner and the assessor) should they choose not to attend the appeal in person.

Attending a Hearing By Phone

Should you choose to attend the hearing by phone, please contact the Board no less than three business days in advance of the hearing to request a phone hearing.

Once you are approved for a phone hearing you will be notified via email.   Since it is difficult to know how long each hearing will take, please be available 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after your scheduled hearing.  If you plan to present evidence at the hearing that was not already included with your petition then you will be required to exchange evidence with the assessor prior to the hearing date.  The assessor will also provide you with their evidence in advance of the hearing via email.

NOTE: The exchange of evidence only occurs with phone hearings that have been approved in advance.

 To submit additional evidence, other than what was already provided with your petition, evidence must be filed to the SBOE no less than 3 business days prior to the date of the hearing via mail or hand delivered. The Board does NOT accept emailed evidence.

Choosing Not to Attend a Hearing

Should you choose not to attend a hearing, please notify the Board by phone, email or mail no less than three business before the scheduled hearing date.  To submit additional evidence, other than what was already provided with your petition, mail or hand deliver your documentation to the SBOE no less than 3 business days prior to the date of the hearing. The Board does NOT accept emailed evidence.